Honor • Warriors • Veterans • Families
This is one Sunday morning event that is designed to recognize, honor and bless individuals, and families that are serving or have served in the United States armed services. The Warrior’s Journey is recommending one of three times during the year to have the most impact, Memorial Day weekend, or the month of May, July 4th or the month of July, or Veteran’s Day or the month of November. The Warrior’s Journey will supply the resources, including media, to make this a great event for your church. As a missions organization, we are dependent on the generosity of our supporters. All we ask is that you take an offering to help us continue to minister and help our Veterans.
The service will help raise awareness of the needs of the military community and offer ongoing resources to help these heroes navigate the unique challenges of service. All we are asking is that you consider taking a one time offering for TWJ to help us continue to be available to help our military families be whole.
The Warrior’s Journey is an interactive online community for military members, veterans, and their families. It presents the message of faith as a path for them to find wholeness in everyday life. In cooperation with other military partnerships, foundations, and non-profits. TWJ presents a wide range of resources that cover the unique issues that they encounter in service and at home.
Through extensive research, we have identified 12 issues that The Warrior’s Journey will address, moving the warrior and their families toward wholeness and resilience.
What Pastors are Saying
“As a pastor who works with military members and their families in a large military community, I understand the great need for practical and relevant resources that truly affect the military culture in a positive way. Because of our partnership with the Warrior’s Journey, we have come to greater levels of understanding and effectiveness in ministering to these very special individuals and families. the Warrior’s Journey, with their online interactive military community, provides us with tools and support that are helping us to maximize our potential as a church!”
Mike Burnette
Pastor Lifepoint Church, Clarksville, TN
“I have witnessed the impact The Warrior’s Journey is having on our military members and their families first hand. By engaging with this ministry your local church will see military and veterans come to Christ, find healing and be discipled. This is the best military ministry, making the biggest impact that I have ever encountered. The Warrior’s Journey has my full support and I believe every pastor should partner with TWJ to reach the veterans and military members in their community.”
Rob Ketterling
Pastor River Valley Church, Minneapolis, MN
This event is also an excellent evangelism opportunity. It is a perfect time for your congregation to invite their family and friends who are connected to the military, also provides the ability to reach out to your local VFW, American Legion and other veteran service agencies.
Click here to sign up and schedule your event