This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)
Your plans, your hopes, and your dreams are very important to God. So how can we make every day count? It begins by realizing that God has created each and every day- for you and for me. We can choose to be glad. We can choose to rejoice. It’s our decision. Admittedly, during our ‘down’ times this is hard to do. Many warriors and families have endured really tough things. They are thinking more about surviving than thriving.
I recently heard about a young warrior in an EOD Unit (Explosive Ordinance Detachment) who suffered terrible burns from an IED (Improvised Explosive Device). The doctors wanted to take a huge skin graft from his chest. The soldier refused saying, “Take it from my backside.” The medical folks warned that healing would be much more painful. The soldier responded: “Next summer I will be mowing my grass with my shirt off. I want my chest to look good!” Better days are coming!