The Way Of The Warrior
King David was fed up with himself. He had done heinous things, sexually molesting a married woman, then had her husband killed. Psalm 51, is David’s plea to the Lord, to help him manage his sin, his remorse, then his ‘sin-again’ cycle. David was tired of sin’s dominion in his life, and his weakness against it. David had conquered brutes like Goliath, he led armies to conquer Israel’s enemies, but he was unable to manage his own sin – it managed him. Humbly he approached the Lord for help.
David’s asks the Lord for things he was powerless to change. First David asked the Lord to pardon him. Psalm 51:1 is a court scene, with the Lord as judge. David had been convicted, and was standing before a holy God, waiting for his sentence. His crimes were capital offenses, and the death penalty was the legal standard for his malfeasance. He takes the opportunity to petition for leniency – for mercy: Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. (Ps. 51:1). He has earned justice, but he wants mercy.
But wait, the Judge, is also the victim! Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that you may be justified in your words and blameless in your judgment. (51:4). David correctly identifies the plaintiff – God. Others were also damaged by his choices, but the Lord is the primary victim.
David identifies his transgression – obstinate, rebellion. He knew what he did was blatantly wrong – but, he wanted what he wanted, so he committed the act of sexual molestation, then murder. His desires took control of his will. Now he was facing his consequences, the verdict has already been rendered – guilty. The sentence, from a holy God was not in doubt, the evidence and confession already state the obvious: you may be justified in your words and blameless in your judgment. (51:4). Whatever the judge deems the consequences are, they will be just.
The Lord was deeply offended and hurt by David’s behavior: But the thing that David had done displeased the LORD. (2 Sam. 11:27). ‘Displeased’ means he was grieved. The Lord has a perfect right to render justice, and it will be righteous. David pleads for genuine relief, for the Lord to do something only God can do: Create in me a clean heart (Ps. 51:10). David asks, his victim, the Lord to do an impossible work of grace in him. David is unable to manufacture purity – only God can. David then asks for purity – he cannot ‘do’ purity.
How can a holy God dismiss horrid behaviors, and then give purity to a man who has victimized him? If I was God, David would be a pancake right now. I would be so offended by his choices, and his brutal treatment of people, and his cavalier attitude toward me – I would let my righteous indignation come flowing like plasma into David’s veins.
Aren’t you glad the Lord is not like me?
David’s plea though is genuine. He’s not pretending, hoping to do better. He asking for something he’s unable to do, to be, to accomplish, to…whatever. God describes himself: The LORD passed before him and proclaimed, “The LORD, the LORD, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness (Exod. 34:6). Why isn’t David a pancake? Because God is kind – merciful and gracious. Mercy – he does not give you what you have earned. Grace – he gives you what you have not earned. God, the judge and the victim is on the side of the perpetrator! He’s on David’s side! He’s on your side! Is your head spinning here? Is God, a squishy, softy?
The Lord is not going to ignore David’s sin, and give him a pass. Instead of justice, the Lord begins a partnership, where together David and the Lord will re-create David’s inner man, and: renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 51:10). ‘Renew’ means to repair, to make like new. Let the bones that you have broken rejoice. (51:8). In an earlier devotion we looked at this verse. It has a shepherd theme. A lamb keeps wandering away from the goodness and protection of the shepherd, so he breaks the lamb’s front legs. He carries the lamb, wherever he goes, and the lamb bonds with him. When the lamb’s broken bones heal, the shepherd puts the lamb down, and never leaves the shepherd’s side again. They bond. This was David’s desire, the close bond he had with the Lord, when the Lord carried him in love, David wants that restored. God is very safe – unlike me.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit. (Ps. 51:12). When David, the lamb was close to the shepherd, he had joy. He was protected, loved, treated with thoughtfulness and tenderness. God and David were a unit, and David longed for that bonding again. God hadn’t changed – David had. David wants to return to the tender affections of his shepherd (Ps. 23:1).
David asks for something that is preposterous: uphold me with a willing spirit. David is asking the Lord to have a willing spirit with him. David does not want begrudgingly setting aside of justice, by God. Rather he’s asking for full-throated, fully alive, pedal to the metal, 100 MPH by the Lord for him. Yeah! Can you believe David’s audacity? Aren’t you a little jealous that he has that kind of boldness with the Lord? You can, but will you?
There’s a sliver of thought, probing our mind, that David is purely focusing on himself. Me, me, me. He wants his spiritual needs being met, then he’ll be just fine. The Lord, the judge/victim, who shepherd’s — David wants his full attention for his own growth. David then proves he is not self-focused, and he has robust spiritual outlook.
Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will return to you. (Ps. 51:13). David transitions from personal spiritual needs, to others. His experience with God’s pardon, and God’s purity, and God’s provision of joy by a passionate Lord, is so transformational, that David wants others to experience the same process. He goes from personal to public.
This new spiritual satisfaction David has, is so satisfying that he wants others to experience the same revolutionary freshness. It is a movement from spiritual intellectualism, to transformationalism. Knowing the things of God, is different than experiencing the full delight of relationship, with a loving Lord, who is willing to pardon, then who passionately pursues us (Ps. 23:6), to bless us, so we can have the joy of telling others about him.
By Nathan Werner
The Warrior’s Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father,
David models what I desire. Though he was impotent to change by his own effort, he boldly asked you for help. My request is what David asked of you. I’m asking for your willingness to help change me: fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isa. 41:10). Let me experience this help that you willingly offer. Help me lay aside my pride, my certainty that I can succeed. Let humility, be my standard. I now know I cannot succeed without your willing help. Partner with me, to change my stubbornness.
Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will return to you. (Ps. 51:13). Instill in me this passion, that David desired. So, others can realize your absolute willingness to be on their side, to partner with them, to let them encounter victory living. This is a fully satisfying, and delightful: joy of your salvation (Ps. 51:12). This is my deepest craving, that others truly see your fabulous goodness. If I am to be the standard bearer, let that be. What a great responsibility you offer. Yet again, I need your anointed power, to fulfill the ministry you would give. Let others see you, because they see you in me. Let others have confidence because they have seen your faithfulness to me. Let others want you, because they see me, fully satisfied in you. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.