Day 63: The Way Of The Warrior - The Warrior's Journey®

Day 63: The Way Of The Warrior

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The Way Of The Warrior

We have focused our recent devotions on the question: why Bethlehem? Why did God the Father, decide to have his Son born in this town?  The Scripture revealed hundreds of years before his birth, that Bethlehem was the location of Christ’s birth: But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days. (Mic. 5:2).  Messiah who is eternal was to be born in Bethlehem!  Crazy.

God the Father used all kinds of means to alert people to this unique birth.  He used Scripture, he used a star, he used angels, he used dreams, he used Caesar Augustus, he used Magi, he used a virgin, he used divine and natural means pointing to Christ being born.  This birth was no secret, it was public and open to all people, Jews and Gentiles.

1,000 years before Jesus, his ancestor, King David was given a promise by the Lord. Thus says the LORD of hosts, I took you from the pasture, from following the sheep, that you should be prince over my people Israel. (2 Sam. 7:8).  From the humblest conditions the Lord took David and vaulted him to the loftiest of positions: the LORD will make you a house. (2 Sam. 7:11b).  Sounds like a nice little cottage, right?  No. Heaven doesn’t think like us.  ‘House’ means a dynasty, an organized body of descendants. The Lord promised David something will outlast him – David’s kingdom.

How long will this dynasty to last? And your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me. Your throne shall be established forever.'” (2 Sam. 7:16). In a companion text, the Lord promises David to raise up his future progeny to: When your days are fulfilled to walk with your fathers, I will raise up your offspring after you, one of your own sons, and I will establish his kingdom. (1 Chr. 17:11). Hint – one of your sons: The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, (Matthew 1:1).  The line of David, ended with Jesus dying on the cross, no one else has the credentials to be King of David’s dynasty.

Did the Lord’s promise die?  He promised an eternal kingdom!  Jesus died!  He shall build a house for me, and I will establish his throne forever. (1 Chr. 17:12). What does this mean?

Jesus ain’t done!!

But I will confirm him in my house and in my kingdom forever, and his throne shall be established forever.'” (1 Chr. 17:14).  Four things about David’s last offspring are certain. He’ll have an eternal dynasty, an eternal kingdom, an eternal throne, and is an eternal person.  The only reason the dynasty, the kingdom and throne are eternal, is because the Seed of David, culminates in a person who himself is eternal.  Jesus was not just a rabbi, carpenter.  He’s got the credentials to be King of kings, and Lord of lords!

Are the gears in your brain, grinding to a halt?  ‘Yeah, but’s’ might be popping in your head. This kinda makes sense, yet it might be troubling and causing angst for you.

Jesus is the Messiah, also known as the Christ.  Messiah and Christ are the same term – one Hebrew, the other Greek. The office of Messiah has three distinct functions: prophet, priest, and king.  Jesus does these consecutively, not simultaneously.  In his appearance as a man, he was a prophet – one who speaks on behalf of the Father. He did this in his earthly ministry.  Next, he assumes the office of High Priest – he advocates for you in front of the Father, on your behalf.  He’s your defense attorney: Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died– more than that, who was raised– who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us. (Rom. 8:34).  Right now, you have the best attorney in the Universe, Jesus Christ.  When you mess up, and Satan brings charges against you: for the accuser of our brothers…who accuses them day and night before our God. (Rev. 12:10).  Your sins are taken care of, never to be an issue.  Jesus paid that debt, in spite of Satan’s charges.

The prophet speaks on behalf of God to the people, that happened in the past.  The priest advocates for the people to the Father, today.  The King will rule – future.  Jesus is coming back – perhaps soon.  Jesus has never yet functioned in his office as King – and he will.  It’s already mandated by the Word of God, thousands of years ago.  The sin issue had to be taken care of first.  That’s done.

Whew!  This is a lot to think about!  What does all this mean for you?

Simply, this means that you can trust the Lord.  He’s the God of the past, the God of the present, and certainly the God of the future.  He’s trustworthy.  Jesus invaded human history, to be born in a barn with animals, where only shepherds came to see this event (Luke 2:15-18).  Later, the Gentile Magi show up and worship him (Matt. 2).  Not too many people cared about his event, though the Father proclaimed it, far and wide.

Imagine you’re the Heavenly Father, and you broadcasted the most important event in human history, and just two small entourages show up?  Does the Father stop His plan, incorporate another plan, with fire and brimstone, or tornadoes, earthquakes, or a gigantic Ice Age?  God the Father is so patient and kind, he allows his Son, Jesus to grow up in anonymity, then to bear your sins as a sacrifice for you, and to let His only Son get brutalized and killed to conquer your sin.  If I was God, my choice would have been the fire and brimstone, rather then let my boy suffer for you.  God does not think like me.

Jesus willingly set aside his divine privileges and took your place, so you could have divine privileges with a loving Heavenly Father.  That’s good news.  We do not have the credentials to stand in the presence of a Holy God – we’ve all blown it.  You need help.

Jesus was born to be king.  Wonderful.  But the story does not end there.  He takes you and me, elevating us to rule with him!  You’re going to get a promotion! The one who conquers and who keeps my works until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations. (Rev. 2:26).  There you are – that’s you in that verse.  You buying this?

The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne. (Rev. 3:21).  How many times does he have to tell you this, before you accept this?  Jesus was born to be king, and you will be part of his administration, in a place of honor.  Simply because he wants you there.  This is mind blowing!   But, why Bethlehem?  We still need an answer.  Come back.

By Nathan Werner

The Warrior’s Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost. (1 Tim. 1:15). Though Paul claims he is the chief of sinners, I know I rank right up there with him.  However, Lord you showed both of us: But I received mercy for this reason, that in me, as the foremost, Jesus Christ might display his perfect patience as an example to those who were to believe in him for eternal life. (1 Tim. 1:16).  Lord you know I don’t say this out of false humility – you have dealt with me with perfect patience.  I’m amazed by your goodness to me, though I’ve earned condemnation.  Yet, I’m here to proclaim your goodness to me who is undeserving.

Thank you for everlasting love.  I do not understand it, because I have not done it.  Please continue to change my heart to match your standards.  Give me a desire to conquer my inner man, not to impress others, but rather to glorify you.  I want you to be satisfied in me, to receive my gratitude, for your work in my life.  I do not want honors, I want you to be overjoyed, because I am pleased to be your child.  May you receive delight, because I reflect your glory.  Let others see you in me, and give honor to you, because you have worked wonders in me.  Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people. (Tit. 3:1, 2).  I cannot do these things without your empowerment – please work these into my character, for your glory.  I pray this in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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