All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised. – Hebrews 11:13a (NIV)
In Western culture, results are important. Fast results.
Leadership in the military is like that, but rapid results don’t always happen. This applies specially to helping junior leaders to grow. The important principle to remember is that if you continue to develop your subordinates, positive growth will occur in most cases.
As with military leadership, serving God sometimes yields fast results. But in some cases, God’s promises are not fulfilled during a person’s lifetime.
It’s critical to remember that success in God’s eyes doesn’t necessarily mean that the desired outcome occurs within a specific time frame. God’s ways are higher than our ways.
This verse comes from Hebrews 11, a section that many call the Hall of Faith chapter because the writer commends many believers for their faith. As the verse clearly states, some of the names mentioned never saw God’s promises fulfilled in their lifetime.
Key thought: Success in God’s eyes is faithful trust and obedience to God’s plan for your life. Does that describe you?