Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? Hebrews 12:7 (NIV)
One of the most damaging misconceptions about the Christian faith is that life consists of jumping from one spiritual mountain top to the next. Everything always goes well, and if it doesn’t you’re doing something wrong.
NOT! Read the Bible. Look at the greatest personalities in the Old and New Testaments. Were they always ‘happy’? No way! Most lived very tough lives.
This verse plainly tells us that the Lord uses hardship as discipline. He wants to teach us. He wants us to grow. The military uses discipline to train warriors to deal with the rigors of combat. Parents use discipline. Coaches employ discipline.
Whether the hardship is our own doing or should not be the focus. God desires that we approach each hardship as an opportunity for discipline. If we do, we will be ‘discipled.’ This training is for our benefit. We grow and mature as learn.
God the Father used suffering to teach his Only Son, Jesus. How much more do we need our Heavenly Father’s discipline?