“So I sent for you immediately, and it was good of you to come. Now we are all here in the presence of God to listen to everything the Lord has commanded you to tell us.” Acts 10:33 (NIV)
While on deployment a few years ago, I invited the Command Sergeant Major of our task force to attend our chapel service. His response was interesting: “Chaplain, I’ve done so many wrong things that I think the chapel ceiling would cave in on top of us.”
My response: “Command Sergeant Major, if that does happen, it won’t be because of you. All of us, myself included, have sinned. That’s why we need to go to church!”
A few weeks later he joined us and became a regular attender throughout the deployment.
Are you a warrior who believes you’ve done too many wrong things to be accepted by God?
Not true!. Cornelius in Acts 10 was a seasoned Roman soldier. Out of all other people on the planet, the Lord chose Cornelius to be the first non-Jew to hear the Gospel message.
As the first above indicates, Cornelius was thrilled to hear about God. He and his family became Christians.