Lessons From The “Little Log” Moth - The Warrior's Journey®

Lessons From The “Little Log” Moth

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Tsumaki Shachihoko, not to be confused with Tatsumaki Shachihoko, is a rare moth native to Japan.  This little moth is only about an inch long, maybe slightly smaller. But it’s remarkable in that it displays some of the most stunning mimicry and camouflage found in nature. The little Tsumaki Shachihoko bears a striking resemblance to a gray twig with its yellowish wood exposed at each end. It looks just like a little log, like a tiny scrap of wood that no bird would be interested in.

Tsumaki Shachihoko achieves this camouflage effect with an expert arrangement of color, markings, and shape. The yellowish color at each end not only has the shade of exposed wood, but also has the striation markings which resemble the grain of wood. Even the shape of the wing tips of this moth resemble the jagged edge of a broken twig. The body and wings of the moth not only have the same gray color of tree bark, but also display the dark streaks that resemble tree bark patterns.

There are obvious theological implications from this moth. For one thing, God is an artist. He must be the author of all this mimicry art in nature. Some of this divine artwork is displayed by numerous creatures which would be otherwise vulnerable to predators. But the combination of color, patterns, and shape make them blend into their background, look undesirable, and sometimes give a threatening appearance (as with “eye spots”). There are even examples of three-dimensional painting in this mimicry artwork. Only a supremely talented God could create the genetic information necessary to generate this life-saving art for little and vulnerable creatures.

But there’s another truth displayed by this little moth – and other creatures like him. God is the God of equity and justice. God “evens the playing field” in nature. To the small and vulnerable of His creatures, God gives clothing that camouflages them from the eyes of predators. To other harmless creatures He makes them look like harmful ones. To some vulnerable creatures, God gives the ability to multiply stupendously. To others He gives speed, the ability to burrow, or the ability to fly.

Consider another example of divine equity in nature. Have you ever noticed the appearance God gives to the infant offspring of animals? They appear so cute and lovable. Why is that? Couldn’t this be a defense mechanism for the vulnerable as well?

True, most predators are bullies and deliberately pick on animals smaller than they. They target the young and harmless-looking. But in eyes of most creatures the sweet and innocent look of the infant young evokes compassion and love. And why not? Who is more vulnerable and in greater need of protection and nurturing than the infant young of man and beast?

Therefore, God gives the infant young of His creatures an appearance – and a voice – that stirs compassion in the hearts of adults. This is the case even between the young of one species and the adults of another. Several years ago the news reported the story from India of a rampaging elephant which demolished a house. But then, hearing the cries of a baby in the house, the raging elephant stopped to rescue the crying infant from the wreckage.

In one way or another God implements equity in His creation. He gives the weak, the small, and the vulnerable the advantage they need to survive and succeed in life’s challenges. And if He does this in nature, shouldn’t we expect Him to do so among those He created in His image? Jesus said so. Jesus declared that, if God exerts so much effort to faithfully feed the birds and gloriously clothe the grass, He will do much more to care for those He loves and sent His Son to redeem (Matthew 6:25-34)?

I’m not suggesting that we should leave everything to God and not be concerned for the small, the weak, and the vulnerable of society. But should we fall into those categories, our own protection should not be our preoccupation. Our protection should not be an obsession. Rather, in the words of Jesus, we should make serving God and pleasing Him our pursuit. And if we make God Himself our priority, then He’ll do infinitely more to protect us and champion our cause than any army, government, or program could possibly do (Matthew 6:33).

So, get your priorities right by giving Christ first place in your life. Then, watch and see how God does a far better job of watching over you and taking care of your needs (Psalm 34:4-22; 37:1-40; 91:1-16).

PRAYER:  Dear Lord Jesus, into Your loving and capable hands I place my life and all that concerns me. Please keep me from being distracted by all the fears and concerns that drive unbelievers to anger, madness, and death. Open my eyes to see You and help me to always keep my sight fixed upon You. In Your most holy name, Amen.

(Information from: https://www.odditycentral.com/animals/perfectly-camouflaged-moth-looks-like-a-twig-fragment.html; https://www.chicagotribune.com/os-elephant-rescues-baby-20140313-post.html)

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