Neither Do I Condemn you - The Warrior's Journey®

Neither Do I Condemn you

Author: Chaplain, COL Scott McChrystal, USA (Ret.)

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“No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” John 8:11 (NIV)

From top to bottom in any organization, everyone stumbles at some point. Ideally, the person gets help and continues to contribute.

Talk about stumbling, read John 8:11. The woman has been caught in adultery. Legally, according to Jewish law, she was a candidate for stoning.

The religious leaders brought the case to Jesus thinking they had an open and shut case- the woman needs to die. To their surprise, Jesus turned the tables on them. When he did, they folded. Even these hypocrites knew that had sin in their own lives.

But notice how Jesus handled the outcome. He didn’t let the woman off the hook. She was guilty and she knew it. Jesus, however, took action to restore her.

Isn’t that what people need when they’re down? Isn’t that what you need. Isn’t that what your warriors need?

Therefore, don’t dismiss wrongdoing, but help those who stumble get back on their feet. Restore them. Enable them to keep their dignity.


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