The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread.” Luke 4:3 (NIV)
Knowing that you are a successful, respected leader in the US military will not suffice toward thwarting the attacks of the Devil. The Deceiver will try every tactic to erode your sense of identity.
How do I know this? Read Luke 4:1-13. As Jesus was just launching his earthly ministry, Satan tried to undermine the Son of God by questioning his identity. In this verse, the Devil tempted Jesus to satisfy his physical hunger by turning stones into bread.
Notice four things. First, Satan tempted Jesus after forty days of fasting. Our Lord was certainly in a weakened state. The Devil will come at you in one of your more vulnerable moments as well.
Secondly, note the first part of the question- “If you are the Son of God.” This was a direct assault on Jesus’ identity. The Evil One will come at you in a similar fashion.
Third, Jesus defeated the Devil using the Word of God.
Finally, verse 13 demonstrates the tenacity of Satan. He won’t give up easily.
Stay alert. Use God’s Word to defeat your Enemy.