“Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:11-12)
Paul is very clear about the true nature of our struggle. It’s spiritual rather than physical. He’s also quite clear about the composition of our armor. It’s the armor of God – that is, not merely the armor that belongs to God or that comes from God. This is the armor that consists of God. That’s right. The armor with which we depend consists of God Himself. His divine power to replace our weakness. His divine truth to overthrow Satan’s lies. His free gift of righteousness as iron-plating against Satan’s accusations. God Himself is our armor – as well as our fortress and strength.
But what about the battleground? Where does the battle rage? Well, Paul mentions that this spiritual conflict is going on in the heavenly places or heavenly realms (v.12). But what is the earthly arena of this spiritual conflict? Well, what’s Paul been discussing in the previous verses? Beginning in Ephesians 5:21, all the way through Ephesians 6:9, Paul’s been talking about human relationships. First, Paul wrote at length about marriage relationships (Ephesians 5:21-33). Then in Ephesians 6:1-4, he wrote about parent-child relationships. Then, in Ephesians 6:5-9, Paul wrote about work relationships. This is the battleground where Satan wreaks havoc among believers.
Just look at the biblical record. Where did King David have all his trouble? Wasn’t it primarily with his children, one of whom instigated a civil war against him (2 Samuel 15-19)? And before you condemn David as a poor parent who brought his family problems on himself, consider other men of God who had similar problems. Samuel the prophet certainly had a good example in Eli of how not to parent one’s children (1 Samuel 2:12-7, 22-36; 3:11-14). Yet Samuel’s own sons did not follow in the ways of the Lord either (1 Samuel 8:1-3, 5). Also consider the kings of Judah. King Jotham was righteous, yet his son – King Ahaz – was very wicked. And Ahaz’s son – King Hezekiah – turned out to be among Judah’s most righteous kings. Yet his son, Manasseh, was its very worst. Now Manasseh’s son Amon was also very wicked, but Amon’s son Josiah is considered to be the most righteous of all Judah’s kings. Sadly, none of Josiah’s sons followed his godly example. Yes, relationships – especially family relationships, is where the spiritual battle rages. Family relationships is where the devil attacks many ministers and servants of God. Therefore, parents, husbands, and wives need to pray a divine covering over their children and spouse. They need to pray for the Holy Spirit to be the prevailing force in their homes and workplaces – and never give the devil a foothold.
- Do you have a family of your own? Can you see the need to pray for them?
- Can a soldiers’ minds be on their work if trouble is brewing at home?
- The best thing we can do for our spouse and our children is to pray for them.