“I have been glorified in them.” (John 17:10)
Passengers were enjoying an uneventful flight from New York to LA until they heard the following message over the intercom: “Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. If you look out your right window you’ll see that the plane’s right engine is on fire. If you look out your left window you’ll see that the plane’s left engine is on fire. If you look directly below you you’ll notice two parachutes. This is a recording.”
Or do you recall the Far Side cartoon, in which Gary Larson portrays a vendor at the Alamo selling gifts, t-shirts and coffee mugs, that read: “I Kicked Santa Anna’s Butt at The Alamo.” With dead bodies lying around, and other clues to imminent catastrophe for the defenders of the Alamo, the vendor has slashed prices from $5.00 each to $.50.
Now turn to those final days before the cross. Here we find many clues that catastrophe is about to befall Jesus and His church. One of His disciples has betrayed Him. All of them will forsake Him and flee. The foremost of the apostles is about to deny Jesus. And now, the One who claims to be the founder and builder of the church is about to be murdered. Without question, this was the darkest hour of the church.
Yet, amidst the crisis and impending catastrophe, what is Christ’s demeanor? Is He in a panic? Is He hurling accusations against His followers? Not in the least. The very opposite is true. Jesus is comforting them (John 14:1, 27). Jesus is cheering them (John 16:33). And Jesus is praying for them (John 17:6-26).
And look at Jesus’ prayer. As He pours out His heart to the Father, Jesus makes no accusation against His disciples. To the contrary, He freely confesses to the Father their faith, obedience, and the certainty of their success. Jesus is all-sufficient in His atonement for our sins, in His power to transform us, and in His intercession for our souls. No prayer was ever more powerful than this. We will be protected from the evil one and we will be safely brought to heaven, as Jesus prayed (John 17:15, 24-25).
- Read John 17. Do you detect any condemnation from Jesus against His disciples or does He express any doubt about their eternal salvation?
- James 5:16 says that the fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much. Is anyone more righteous than Jesus Christ “the Righteous One” (1 John 2:2)?
- We can be certain about our eternal salvation in heaven. Jesus is praying for us.