Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for pursuing me, even when I’ve ignored you. Thank you for not letting me settle for moral mediocrity. Thank you for not letting me become spiritually complacent, nor letting me be satisfied with marginal righteousness. Please continue to unsettle me so my faith is stretched, then strengthened. Help me be a mature, godly man, and not a religious midget. I do not want to pretend about spiritual matters, putting on a façade for acquaintances. I want to authentic and public with my faith, helping others become comfortable and be bold with their faith.
Then Lord, help me to take on further faith challenges – so those who observe can have courage to step into spiritual valleys. Don’t let me hesitate when you have placed opportunities in my path, rather encourage me to embrace the mission. And let me bring others with me on the journey, so they can be courageous spiritual warriors, who will see the mission through to completion.
Help me chart a path that makes a way for those who need hope, all the while infusing me with hope that makes much of you. May you be glorified in my life. Let my family see it, want it, accept it, then live it. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.