“‘Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?’ Jesus answered, ‘It was neither this man nor his parents, but it was in order that the works of God might be displayed in him.’” (John 9:2)
Who sinned? What went wrong and who’s responsible? That’s the mentality which pervades the military. Find someone to blame and take corrective action. Yes, the military’s not a forgiving environment. Punishment for failure can be severe – not only for the soldier but also for his family. But senior leaders will tell us that such severity is necessary in order to maintain good order and discipline.
Fortunately, this is not the way God operates in our lives. God is in the business of redemption. So when we fail God doesn’t cast us aside. He redeems those failures and incorporates them into His plan. Check out the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1:2-16 some time. Three of Jesus’ ancestors were guilty of some serious sins. Yet, rather than discarding those flawed people, God blessed them and used them to bring forth the Messiah. Look at the lives of Peter and Paul. God used their failures to humble them, make them more compassionate, and teach them to depend more upon Him. You see, God uses failure as our teacher, not our executioner.
But no sin or failure was responsible for the blind man’s shriveled eyes – though the disciples were eager to assign such blame. Jesus’ explanation of the man’s blindness could be applied to all human brokenness. Rather than judge, we must view all brokenness, disability, and tragedy as opportunities to do God’s work and glorify Him. Think of the ministries of Joni Eareckson-Tada and Dave Roever. God has used their disabilities and scars as the very means of opening people’s hearts to Jesus Christ. So don’t occupy yourself with finding the cause of suffering and brokenness – yours or another’s. Look at brokenness and problems as opportunities for God to work in you and through you.
- What brokenness exists in your workplace? Could be incompetent subordinates, insufficient resources, or a lack of personnel?
- What brokenness exists in you personally? Is it a trait that inhibits your performance, self-doubt, or a feeling of inadequacy?
- Whatever problems there may be in your workplace or in you, you must view them as God’s means of working in you and through you. Trust Him and seek Him to make you equal to every challenge. You’ll grow stronger in the process.