But God said to him, “You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?” Luke 12:20 (NIV)
Have you ever put your energies into a task only to discover that you selected the wrong goal?
Military leaders, like most folks, begin with good intentions. They want to be the best they can and work toward that end. Somewhere along the line, priorities get scrambled and leaders lose their way. Maybe it’s the way you treat your subordinates. You develop a careerist mindset that focuses only on yourself. Perhaps you lose the bubble with your spouse and family. Happens all the time.
The rich man in the verse above loses his way. Riches grab hold of him, and he can’t let go. At the end of the parable God calls him a fool. The man’s concept of success was completely off base.
We shouldn’t think this can’t happen to any of us. It does, but it doesn’t have to. If you will read God’s Word and do what it says, the Lord will provide a map check to get you back on course with the right goals and priorities.
The content of this Devotional comes from “Daily Strength for the Battle (You, God’s Word, 5 Minutes): Volume 6 Developing the Leader in You” (2020) and is copyrighted by Scott and Judy McChrystal. Used with permission.