Kaiserslautern Military Resiliency Center - The Warrior's Journey®

Kaiserslautern Military Resiliency Center

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We're proud to offer to the Kaiserslautern Military Community peer-led support-groups for those combatting invisible wounds.

As part of TWJ, the Kaiserslautern Military Resiliency Center (KMRC) is partnering with local ministries to bring health and healing to the physical and spiritual needs of the surrounding military community. KMRC is also the home of Rhema Café which is a place to come and find not only good coffee but help for the wounds that are invisible to most people.

The ‘Kaiserslautern Military Community’ is surrounded by 10 military installations, contains the largest settlement of Americans outside of the U.S.A., is the transient location for service members deploying to/from the combat zone, & Landstuhl is the primary medical hub for those ill/wounded across Europe, Africa, & the Middle East.

As a wounded warrior, our Director, Tim Carentz leverages his passion to focus on Peer-Led Support-Groups for those combatting Invisible Wounds, planting home churches, preaching, & teaching.