If I were hungry I would not tell you, for the world is mine, and all that is in it. (Psalm 50:12)
Money and wealth are important issues. They not only represent our time, talents, and efforts, but they have a direct impact on the quality of life we live.
To survive in these tough economic times, it’s crucial that we manage money and possessions well. Wealth is also important to God. He wants us to manage our finances wisely and has laid out principles in the Scriptures that can help us do this. But be forewarned: God’s principles don’t match the financial principles taught by the world.
This verse teaches us a key principle about money: God owns everything. We simply manage that which He entrusts to us. We often mistakenly think it’s “our” money or “our” property. But it is not. It belongs to God. The Lord has committed it into our care to manage.
Want to gain victory in the area of finances and wealth? Take hold of this principle. Believe it, embrace it, and practice it as you manage the wealth God has entrusted into your care.