Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil. (Genesis 4:2)
Every child is unique. The earth’s first parents, Adam and Eve, certainly learned this fact. Abel and Cain couldn’t have been more different. This truth still applies. Parents who understand this help each child to grow up to be the man or woman God intends. Parents who don’t comprehend and act on this truth limit the child’s growth and development.
For example, they wish their firstborn was the opposite sex, physically more beautiful, or graced with more athletic ability so they could live out a parent’s dream to become a professional athlete. On the other end are parents who have been blessed with a handicapped child. They love and nurture the child, recognizing that God loves that child as much as any other person on the planet.
What about you? If you have children, do you see each one as special and unique? Do you recognize that each child has been given special gifts and abilities to accomplish God’s purpose in this world. Even if you may be struggling with raising one of your kids, ask the Lord to show you how He sees your child. It will make a difference!