Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. John 12:24
Crushed dreams, Shattered expectations, Broken heart, Ruptured trust.
Life is hard. As I am aging, the lines on my face are reminders of some tough times. The 2 lines between my eyebrows have been carved in by deployment worries, the anguish of a teenager driving on their own for the first time, and those times when we had more bills than paycheck.
Other times have carved different lines. Stretch marks are my badge of honor for having children, a true blessing in my life. The laughing lines around my eyes are the testimony of good times celebrated with friends and family.
Historical Markers
As I continue to age, those lines will continue to be carved in. A constant reminder of good times and bad times.
Life can be hard, unbearable at times. We become weary of the moves, the constant loss of friendships, and the never-ending deployment cycle. Being a single parent with no relative close by to lend a hand drains us. We are jaded from hauling enough curtains to fit any type of windows.
We are worn from smiling at every change of command and award ceremony because our heart is screaming, “I have had enough!”
Hardship brings weariness.
Weariness causes us to look down and quit or look up and cry out, “How long, Father, how long?”
Sitting in Our Father’s Lap
There is an unspeakable beauty and joy that comes from bringing our crushed dreams, shattered expectations and broken heart to God.
- He welcomes our weariness and replaces it with His personal light load (Matthew 11:28).
- Our Lord reminds us that the work He started in us will be completed (Philippians 1:6).
- He admonishes us of our weakness because our strength comes from Him (2 Corinthians 12:10).
- Our Lord invites us to come and follow Him (Luke 9:23).
He bids me to die with Him.
Radical God
Our God is a radical God, who radically wants the best for you. Your choice is radical. Die with Him, daily.
Dying to self is the cure for everything.
It will cure your…
- Weariness
- Sense of loss
- Feeling of worthlessness
- Identity crisis
Dying to self will replace the weariness with Christ in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27).
This hope will guide your eyes and your mind up every time.
Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. John 12:24
When you allow your broken dreams and your broken heart to die in the hands of a loving savior, good things will happen.
I know too well the temptation to give up, quit, leave everything. I know the deep feeling of weariness that eats up your soul and wrecks your body.
The lines on my face are my reminders.
However, God has been more intimate with me during those times than any other. When I hit rock bottom, Jesus became my bottom line and my saving grace. Mountaintops are for the view but fruits are grown in the valley.
When I die to self, I am free to be brave in a broken world.
How to Be Free From Weariness:
- Seek His kingdom first (Matthew 6:33);
- Pick up your cross (your burden, your weariness) and follow Him (learn from Him, follow His ways, obey His commands). (Luke 9:23);
- Trust in His promise of rest (Matthew 11:28). In order to follow Him, we must come to Him. When we come to Him, He promises us rest.
- Look for the thing that would bring God joy. The laugh of a baby. The song of a bird. A beautiful sunrise. A child cuddle. Coffee shared with a friend. Actively be on the lookout for these instances because the joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10).
Your Turn:
When you are feeling weary this week, call out to your Heavenly Father. Ask Him to bring to mind a friend to call. Look around for the things that remind you of your Father and His gifts to you.
Father, I pray that I will be brave enough to bring to you my brokenness, fully trusting that You will turn it into something beautiful. Thank you for being my strength, when I am weak and my song, when I can’t speak. Amen.
Verses to Ponder:
John 12:24
Matthew 11:28
Philippians 1:6
2 Corinthians 12:10
Luke 9:23