In Episode 17 Kevin Weaver (TWJ CEO) sits down with Lt. Col. Danny White, US Marines (Ret.) who served 21 years in the Military!
Endurance is the name of the game. In Hebrews, we learn to run with endurance. Danny’s explanation of endurance is something we can all learn from. Endurance in your marriage.
Endurance in the Military. Endurance when you’re tested.
Find people who can help you and keep you lifted up. Stay close to God. Ask Him to be near and rely on Him.
“NO EXPERIENCE IS WASTED.” – This is a lesson everyone needs to hear. No matter where you are or what you’re walking thru… it’s for a purpose, even if you can’t see it.
ENDURE. PURSUE. REST. Rest in Gods timing and ability to take you places you didn’t know you could go.
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