The Warriors Journey - What is it? Why is it needed? (Part 2) - The Warrior's Journey®

The Warriors Journey – What is it? Why is it needed? (Part 2)

N/A. Photo by The U.S. Army is licensed under CC By 2.0

Episode 2 is a continuation of the story behind “The Warriors Journey.

The Warriors Journey is an online resource that presents the message of faith as a path to finding wholeness in everyday life. In cooperation with other Military partnerships, foundations and non-profits, The Warrior’s Journey is able to present a wide range of resources that cover the unique challenges that Warriors and their Families face, both downrange and at home.

In Episodes 1 & 2, we are introducing our Co-Hosts Kevin Weaver (CEO of The Warriors Journey), and Chaplain, Col. Scott McChrystal, US Army (Ret.) who unpack what The Warriors Journey is as an organization, and why it’s needed for our Military, Families, and Leaders.

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The Warrior's Journey Podcast

I Made A Decision I Have A Question Pray For Me