One of the names of our spiritual enemy is the “accuser.” He has been accusing for thousands of years. How does he accuse us? Consider the following lies:
• We have sinned so much that God won’t forgive us.
• We will never amount to anything.
• God is not real. We are chasing a fantasy.
• God will not hear our prayers.
• We are hypocrites.
• We’ll never be able to overcome our sinful habits.
Unfortunately, the accuser has been all too successful, even against Christians. Perhaps you can identify times when the accuser has hurt you. So what can we do? We can choose to believe God and His Word. This verse tells us that the accuser has been hurled out of heaven. He has lost his place. Jesus rules. The accuser has been defeated. We win. Now live like it.
“Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: ‘Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down'” (Revelation 12:10, NKJV).
The content of this article comes from “The Warrior’s Bible” (2014) and is copyrighted by Life Publishers International. Used with permission.