Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. (Matthew 7:7)
Combat Service Support (CSS) is a critical Battle Operating System in modern warfare. As the military trains to respond to any crisis around the globe, it is imperative that military leaders understand CSS in order to deploy, fight, and win. In short, CSS is about commanders and units having what they need to accomplish the mission in times of peace and of war. This is critical as units prepare for combat. It becomes even more crucial in conflict and sometimes very difficult to achieve. Worst case, sometimes it’s just not possible. When this occurs, we run the risk of losing the fight.
Spiritual warfare is tough, but there is good news. Our Heavenly Commander runs the most efficient CSS in this universe. One of His names is Jehovah Jireh, meaning “the Lord provides.” And one more important point — God’s ability to provide never falls short. Never. How does God’s provision work? It works very simply. Through prayer, tell the Lord about your needs. He will provide!
P.S. And don’t think that any request is too trivial or unimportant for God. He cares about you!