But just as you excel in everything — in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us — see that you also excel in this grace of giving. (2 Corinthians 8:7)
Generosity is not tied directly to the amount of wealth we possess. Generosity relates to our willingness to share what we have with others in need. Paul commends the Corinthian Christians for their excellence in many things. Now he exhorts them to excel in giving. Paul urged these, along with believers in other Macedonian churches, to provide financial support to the hurting church in Jerusalem.
Military people tend to be very generous. I recall many times when military units or communities reached out financially to care for others who were hurting. Being a generous person blesses others and pleases God. But if this doesn’t describe you, can you change? Yes, absolutely!
I recommend three initial steps: First, read and study scriptures that speak about generosity. Second, pray and ask God to change your heart. Third, step out in faith and give to others. Obedience to God in giving will put you on the road to becoming a generous person.