Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. (Ephesians 4:29)
Competition in sports necessitates the creation of rules. These rules help both sides know how to play the game fairly. Depending on the sport, there are people designated to enforce the rules, for example, a referee in basketball, an umpire in baseball, a judge in rifle competition. Obviously, marriage is not a sport. But there is still the need for rules or guidelines to govern behavior. God’s Word provides the guidance needed, especially during times of conflict or disagreement.
Take speech for example. When a couple is having an argument, tempers tend to flare and angry words start to fly back and forth. Some say words don’t hurt. That’s just not true. Angry words exchanged during the heat of battle can cause serious damage. Look at this verse. It tells us not to use trash talk. Rather, use language that builds the other person up.
Give it a try. Let God’s Word be the referee as you speak to your mate. Honor God and your spouse, especially when there is conflict.