Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. (Ephesians 5:21)
If you are reading this book in order, you will recall a previous devotion using this same verse. Don’t worry. It’s not an accident. Submission is tough, especially in the marriage relationship. More bluntly stated, it’s a lifelong process.
Picture the scene. The young airman is upset with his new bride. He has been working all weekend in preparation for a big inspection. He wants to watch Monday Night Football. She wants to watch some silly dancing show. They have one TV. He cusses at her. She starts to cry. He grabs the car keys and starts out the door to go to a buddy’s house. He jumps in the car and starts the engine. As he starts to put the car in gear, his mind suddenly recalls a few lines from the chaplain’s sermon a couple of weeks ago. It was about marriage, and the need for both partners to submit to each other. He starts thinking about the many ways that his wife submits to him. Conviction overtakes him. He turns off the engine and returns to their apartment. Guess what program they watched that night?