But after the disciples had gathered around him, he got up and went back into the city. The next day he and Barnabas left for Derbe. (Acts 14:20)
The team that responds best to stress usually wins. We see in it sports, we see it in business, and we see it in the military. This is also true in the spiritual realm.
Luke described a violent scene in Book of Acts. Paul and some of his missionary disciples were traveling through ancient Turkey. Paradoxically, because God had used Paul to do a miraculous healing, opposition to the Gospel message grew more fierce. Jews from nearby Antioch and Iconium stirred the people of Lystra to kill Paul. They took the apostle to the edge of city and stoned him, leaving him for dead. What a blow to this missionary team. But instead of stressing out, they rose to the occasion.
Calling upon the power of God, these men gathered around Paul and prayed. Soon the veteran missionary was back on his feet. Then, another amazing thing happened. Instead of fleeing, Paul and his team went right back into the city.
Stress had strengthened the team.