Dear Heavenly Father,
I’m done trying to behave. I want purity. Create in me a clean heart Lord, just as David begged. I confess that I have been unable to walk the life of faith in purity. I need an infusion of power that will give me a desire to walk with you in holiness. As you promised Lord – restore my soul (Psalm 23:3). I feel impotent to fight my desires, and I need an infusion of righteous power to energize my faith, while you walk with me. Periodically, I have spiritual victories and spurts of growth in my faith. Then I trip and fall, and I get disappointed, and disgruntled with myself. Pick me up Lord, and let me walk in step with you again, as an accepted companion.
Thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for showing grace and kindness to me, encouraging me to follow your path, while you’re right beside me. “Do two walk together, unless they be agreed? ” (Amos 3:3). You and I, Lord are a unit, an inseparable duo. Thank you for sticking with me: “there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Prov. 18:24).
Then Lord, let others see the change in me, so they can see you. Let my family and my acquaintances wonder about your glorious goodness when they see your purity in me. Let it be a steadfastness that grows purer and purer so others marvel at you and your power in me – and your absolute goodness and faithfulness. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.