Dear Heavenly Father,
Life, often overwhelms our desire to obey your Word. You call us like Abram, to do extraordinary things on your behalf, and we often fail. Please encourage us, that though in turmoil, you allow us to sense your presence. Assure us, Father, that you are willing to help us in our circumstances and that we have not merely failed you. Rather, you desire to get us out of triage, heal us, then put us back into the fray. Let us have a vision of hope, a new perspective of ministering on your behalf, to let people see you in us. Don’t let us be disheartened. Don’t let heartache take us to dark places. Don’t let failure be our legacy.
Rather Father, give us hope that you are our advocate and our ally. Walk through the valley of the shadow of death with us (Psalm 23:4) and do not let fear, nor hopelessness conquer our attitudes. Rather, let us be: “…more than conquerors through him who loved us” (Rom. 8:37). Do not let failure define us. Do not let loss overwhelm us. Do not let sin conquer our heart. Do not let sorrow take us to pity. Do not let anything prohibit our desire to honor you. Let people see you in us. Let people get hope because we have been hopeful. Let people be steadfast, because you have been faithful with us. We pray this in Jesus’ name and for His glory. Amen