The Warrior's Prayer Week 3 - The Warrior's Journey®

The Warrior’s Prayer Week 3

Author: Nathan Werner,

. Photo by is licensed under CC By 2.0

Dear Heavenly Father,

How can I stand in your presence as a redeemed man?  Knowing my past, you invaded enemy territory, my life, and conquered my heart.  I’m still stunned by your goodness. Thank you for not giving up on me, though my life was full of moral decadence. You drilled through my sin-filled exterior and mastered my life.  I don’t know if eternity is long enough for me to thank you with genuine gratefulness for how you have cleansed me. Moral purity is light-years better than my old, scarred, and deadened self.  I am supremely grateful.

Now Lord, let me tell the world how good you are.  Let my actions and my words exactly mirror your image.  Do not let me settle for choices that will stain my life, rather put a wall of protection around my heart so that I’m safeguarded and cannot even betray myself. Lord, please let my family, my friends, and my co-workers see you, through me. Let me present a standard that they observe, one that is desirable. And if I fail Lord, give me the opportunity to come in humility, first to you, then to anyone I’ve harmed.  Give me favor, so that people will see you in me – thus wanting you! I count it the highest privilege to make much of you. May that be my legacy. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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