Early one Tuesday morning (February 18, 2020), 25-year-old Texan Jake Tabor struck a deer with his car on the way to work. He lost control of the vehicle and veered into a wire fence. Then something horrific happened.
One of the two-inch-thick iron fence posts plunged into his abdomen and through his body, missing his heart by a few millimeters.
Luck or Grace?
After this ghastly injury, this married father of two girls somehow had the strength and presence of mind to dig out his cell phone and dial 911. Jake told the dispatcher what had happened, described the injury, and gave his location. Then he passed out. After police and medical personnel arrived it took them thirty minutes to remove the wire fence and extricate Jake from the vehicle.
Jake survived and is in critical condition. Doctors say he faces multiple surgeries to mend damaged organs. He also faces a recovery period of at least six months. His family has set up a Go Fund Me site to help pay his medical bills.
This disturbing story makes me wonder. What is the likelihood of being able to dig out our cell phone and dial 911 for our own injuries if those injuries are likely to kill us or leave us unconscious? Not very likely, I suspect. This story was only news-worthy because it was totally amazing how Jake Tabor was able to call 911 while impaled by a 2-inch-thick fence post. And after such a close call, I suspect his family won’t be taking any chances. They’ll be subscribing to an emergency alert system that automatically notifies medical services in the event of a car crash. Jake won’t wait for another freak accident to happen. He’ll prepare himself for the next emergency because he knows he’ll, otherwise, die next time.
Faith in the Fog
And what is the likelihood that you’ll be able to find God in your next emergency when you’re not on speaking terms with Him now? If you reach the end of your rope, if problems converge on every side, or if a thousand dark voices tell you all is lost, will you have the faith and presence of mind to call out to God for help? This is hardly a foolish question. Every year in America about 45,000 people are not able to find God in a crisis and they take their own lives. Many more people turn to addictive substances, crime, and abusive behavior in their moments of despair.
The problem isn’t with God. God is all around them, yet they don’t have the faith to find Him. They cannot see past their problems. They become like an asthmatic who cannot breathe—even though there’s 14.7 pounds per square inch of air all around him.
Your Eternal Battle Buddy
Isn’t it better to invite the Lord Jesus Christ into our heart now and be reconciled to God? Isn’t it better to let Jesus take charge of our lives and seek Him for guidance and protection each day? Jesus is infinitely better than any emergency alert system. He foresees and prevents accidents before they happen. Sure, emergencies still come into the lives of Christian believers, but they’re not true emergencies. For God Himself ordains them—but only for our spiritual development and growth. And we are assured that, no matter how severe the problems may be, Christ will keep our faith and our soul (Psalm 121:5–8; Luke 22:31–32; 1 Corinthians 10:13; Jude 24–25).
Get on speaking terms with God now. Emergencies are on their way and you’ll need to know how to find God when they come. Besides, with Christ at the helm of your life, God will only allow those troubles which He intends for your ultimate good and growth (Romans 8:28–39).
Dear Lord Jesus, I don’t want to be a stranger to You any longer. I open the door of my heart and life and plead for You to come in and save me. Wash me in Your blood, fill me with Your presence, make me a brand-new person on the inside, and take charge of my life from this day forward. Keep me on speaking terms with You and grant that I will always be able to find You when the storms of life come. Amen.
David E. Grange Jr. Best Ranger Competition – Day 1 by the U.S. Army. Licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Spot the Enemy by the U.S. Army. Licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Information from: https://www.foxnews.com/us/texas-man-impaled-fence-car-crash