WHAT DO WE TRUST IN? - The Warrior's Journey®


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In early February 2020, the world woke up to some sad and shocking news. San Rafael Waterfall, the highest waterfall in Ecuador and the crown Jewell of Cayambe Coca National Park, disappeared. A deep sinkhole formed just a few meters before the water plunged over the cliff and diverted the Coca River beneath the falls. Now, only a tiny trickle of the waterfall remains. 

Fleeting Permanence

Naturally, those grieving over the loss of this 500-foot waterfall, are blaming the activity of man for the disaster. Several miles upstream, a hydroelectric dam had been constructed, which people were claiming was the culprit for the destruction. But the facts are that this area is prone to geologic activity, volcanoes, and rockslides, meaning any number of things could have caused the falls to stop flowing. Perhaps even multiple offending obstacles at once.

In reality, nothing in this life is permanent. Not even the wonders of nature are immune from crumbling. When we think of nature, we look to it almost as a god, as something we “get back to,” as if it’s our sacred mother. We look to nature as something eternal. But it is not. Nature is just part of God’s creation – as we are. Because it’s under God’s curse (Genesis 3:17-18; Romans 8:20-22) it’s just as flawed and subject to change as we are.

Everything in nature – mountains, canyons, and waterfalls – are subject to failure and change. Therefore, so many natural wonders have crumbled (in whole or in part) within recent memory. This fate has overtaken the American Falls of Niagara, the Twelve Apostles of the south Australian coast, Chimney Rock in Nebraska, the Old Man of the Mountain in New Hampshire, the Wall Arch in Utah, and the mighty Mount Saint Helens – to name a few. Though they inspire and awe us, we cannot approach Earth’s wonders as God. Rather, they should point us to the God who created them.

Don’t Fear Destruction

U.S. Army Sgt. William Reese watches flames rise into the night sky after setting canal vegetation ablaze in Tahwilla, Iraq, July 30, 2008. Extremists have been using the canal’s thick vegetation to plant bombs under the cover of darkness. The soldiers are assigned to Company B, 1st Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment.U.S. Army photo by Spc. David J. Marshall

Consider the words of Psalm 46: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains quake at its swelling pride.” The psalmist speaks of mountains as symbols of power and strength – perhaps even as kingdoms and empires. Yet the day will come when all of these will pass away (Revelation 6:14; 16:20) and there will be nothing but God to trust in. Peter reminds us that this present creation will be destroyed by fire, but we can look forward to a new heaven and a new earth in which righteousness dwells and reigns (2 Peter 3:12-13).

Why not make God your refuge now? Every other crutch in our lives is doomed to fail us. But God will always be there for us. “Before the mountains were born and before God gave birth to the earth, from everlasting to everlasting He is God” (Psalm 90:2).

So do not place your hope and trust in material wealth or in relationships or in political leaders or in human government. Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ who put away our sins by the sacrifice of Himself, who conquered death, and who intercedes for us at the Father’s right hand. It is Jesus who will consummate the ages, usher in the new heavens and earth, and deliver us safely into His eternal kingdom.



Lord Jesus, into Your loving and capable hands I place myself, my future, and all that I have. All that I am and possess is forever Yours. Please receive me, please cleanse me, please save me forever. Change my heart so that I do only what pleases You. Take the pain and the poison from my heart and replace them with Your love. Send Your Spirit to take possession of my heart and my life. And make me an instrument of Your peace and blessing to others. Amen.

(Information from: https://www.iflscience.com/environment/ecuadors-tallest-waterfall-has-suddenly-dissapeared/)
The content of this article comes from “The Warrior’s Bible” (2014) and is copyrighted by Life Publishers International. Used with permission.

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