This Thanksgiving, Kinser Chapel’s congregations along with the Camp Kinser Community, had the opportunity to serve Marines and Sailors a special Thanksgiving Day dinner. It was a beautiful moment. When young and old volunteers, many ovens across camp, and leaders joined. They all joined in to show love to our warriors who serve here far from home.
As I recall yesterday’s meal, and remember those strong, fine young Americans, relaxing at the table, I can’t help but think of the communities that they represent. Many at home long to see them and to spend time with them during the holidays.
I think it’s safe to say that many of our Marines and Sailors are considered with a hero-status by their younger siblings, nieces and nephews, and communities back home. With that in mind, let me share two thoughts with you. The first is that being a worthy role-model is needed by our Country today. The second is this, if we are to be worthy heroes, it helps to have worthy heroes ourselves. This is because the level of greatness that our heroes have attained often becomes the maximum level for which we ourselves are reaching.
There was an early Christian leader named Paul who said, “Imitate me as I imitate Christ.” He was very focused on the one whom he considered his hero. To the extent that his hero loved, served and humbled himself, Paul would do the same.
I am proud to serve among American warriors in Okinawa. They inspire me daily. This holiday season may each of us recognize the incredible strength of the example we provide to our families and communities. When we feel the pressure of our burden of duty, may we remember worthy heroes who inspire us to reach forward gladly, with all our strength.
Volunteers from Camp Kinser Chapel’s Thanksgiving Day Dinner. Yep, the children volunteered too. They kept the Marines entertained, and carried more than their weight.