Episode 90 • Maneuvering Military Life as Soldier and Spouse (Part 2) - The Warrior's Journey®

Episode 90 • Maneuvering Military Life as Soldier and Spouse (Part 2)

Sailor greets his wife and meets his newborn son for the first time upon returning from deployment. Photo by the U.S. Navy is licensed under CC By 2.0

Kevin Weaver, along with pro golfer and friend of The Warrior’s Journey, Dan Boever, continue the conversation on navigating military life as a family unit with special guests Denton and Heather Knapp. Not only have the Knapps endured seasons of separation during times of deployment – they’ve also suffered heartbreaking loss, and graciously share their story with vulnerability and courage, in hopes of offering encouragement to anyone listening who may be enduring their own hardships and loss.

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The Warrior's Journey Podcast

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