Among human beings, fear and anxiety are the prevailing emotions. Many people are in a near panic mode, but they’re not only concerned about Covid-19 itself, but also about shortages of food, hand sanitizer, and toilet paper.
Such is not the case among the dog population. With so many people quarantining themselves and now working at home, dogs couldn’t be happier. In fact, there’s so much tail-wagging these days that it’s too much for their tails. Such was the case for Rolo, a little Dachshund. Now, instead of a broken little heart each morning when his owner, Emily Smith, leaves for work, Rolo has Emily to himself all day. But all this happiness led to something called “happy tail syndrome.” He sprained his tail from excessive wagging. So now he’s taking meds for the pain and is encouraged to lie on his back and enjoy belly rubs.
Another dog, Zeus, a Great Dane was in the news for the very same “problem.” He was too happy and he sprained his tail as well.
Fear or Faith
I mention this as a reminder that our current crisis has a bright side. We could mention other, far more significant benefits. For instance, few are complaining about the cheaper gas prices. Recently, I paid $1.55 per gallon – the lowest I’ve paid in decades. I suspect you’ll find it cheaper elsewhere.
There are far more significant positive sides to the Covid-19 pandemic. For one, it’s forcing people to cooperate in a crisis for the common good. Sure there are those who allow fear to dominate them and respond by hoarding. But reports abound of those who share what they have with those who have none, on individual and corporate levels. Chick-Fil-A has donated thousands of meals and Tyson Foods has donated millions. Restaurants have been donating rolls of toilet paper with takeout orders. And a member of this household has been donating eggs and toilet paper to neighbors.
Reality Check
The current crisis is also teaching the younger generations (along with many older folks) an important lesson. Life will never be pain-free. No matter how much wealth we accumulate, no matter how much healthcare coverage we have, and no matter how much action our government takes, people are going to suffer. Sickness is an equal-opportunity killer and makes no distinction between rich and poor. Medical insurance can never guard us against injury and sickness. It can only help in partially patching us up after the fact.
The fact that our Chief Executive is calling on the nation to pray for a divine intervention amidst the Covid-19 pandemic sends a profound message. It is a clear declaration to Americans that the Government is not God and we should not look to it as such. Only the God of heaven can truly shield us from evil. And Covid-19 is helping us to see that. For those who look to the Government, science, or themselves as God, there’s nothing like a real crisis to bring us to our senses and remove every false crutch. Crisis gives us a reality check. It reveals to us the true and ultimate Source of power, help, and salvation.
Eternal Preparation
So don’t dread the crises and emergencies of life. They have a redemptive purpose for humanity. They remind us of our frailty and vulnerability without God. And when we have warning of their imminence, they help us prepare to meet our Creator and be reconciled to Him so that we won’t have to face Him as our Judge.
Therefore, turn to God in these times of danger and fear. Ask the Lord Jesus Christ to be your Fortress and all-encompassing Shield against sickness and disease. Even more important, ask God to make you a faithful Christian witness in these times. Hope and faith can be scarcer in times of crisis than toilet paper, though they’re infinitely more needful. So inspire hope and faith with your words and your deeds.
Lord make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred let me sow love; injury, pardon; doubt, faith; despair, hope; darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.
(Information from: