What do angels in heaven think of humanity here below? Do they think we are merely poor rebellious wretches? I don’t think so.
Could it be that, as angels peer into this dismal and dangerous world, they actually look at us with wonder and admiration? Why not? We face things every day that they will never have to face. Angels will never know temptation, sorrow, pain, loneliness, rejection, disappointment, and grief. We confront all these opponents—and overcome! Yes, we taste defeat—but also victory.
On the other hand, angels are mere spectators, safely watching—from a distance—as we battle it out in the arena. Angels will never have to face death. But we live under its dark shadow every day of our lives and will one day overcome it through Christ.
True, angels are greater in majesty and power. But we are growing stronger from one battle to the next. We are being transformed into the very image of Christ from glory to glory. Angels know this. They know that when we reach heaven we will be battle-hardened, tested, tried, and true to the Savior. Angels know that our present existence is a mere “seed” that will sprout and give birth to a glorified saint.
Redwood’s Growth
The tiny seed of a Coastal Redwood weighs a scant 1/7000th of an ounce. Yet, packed into that tiny seed lies the potential to become a 380-foot giant. Angels know there is far more potential packed into us. Is it any wonder that the Scripture says that God has placed the angels at our service—to ensure that we finish our journey to heaven (Heb. 1:14)? Doesn’t that indicate something of our status among men and angels?
But above all, angels envy us because we are the object of God’s love. For whom did God send His only Son to bear the judgments of hell, to die, and to rise again? Not for angels. It was for hopelessly broken humanity that God bankrupt heaven. And “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all—how shall He not also freely give us all things?” (Rom. 8:32). No wonder the Scripture says that “even angels long to look into these things” which God as prepared for us (1 Pet. 1:12).
Don’t lose sight of your uniqueness in this universe! The heavenly host looks at you with envy and admiration. They gaze in wonder that you persevere under such dark and adverse conditions. Tune in to heaven’s applause. You are loved and admired in heaven.
Dear Father in heaven, in this dark and misty world help me to see what I am in Your eyes and what I will become if I remain true to You. Deliver me from feelings of worthlessness and self-condemnation. Help me understand Your love for me. Amen.
In article photo: untitled by John Westrock licensed under Unsplash