,The Journal of The Royal Society recently published an article on a new form of stealth technology – developed not by engineers, but found in nature…
Natural Acoustics
…After examining two species of moths (Antherina suraka and Callosamia promethea) under an electron microscope, Dr. Thomas Neil and an associate made a discovery. They found that the moths’ thoracic scales look remarkably like the acoustic fibers of sound-inhibiting material. After numerous experiments they found that the scales of these moths created the same level of sound-absorption “as commercially available technical sound absorbers, whilst at the same time being much thinner and lighter.”
Why would this feature be important to a moth? Incredibly, it makes these moths undetectable to bats and other creatures that use echolocation to prey upon them. In other words, these scientists have discovered another form of stealth technology in nature.
Thus, much of the detection and stealth technology we use and have spent trillions of dollars (and millions of man hours) to develop, is now being found in nature. Electroreception, echolocation, sound suppression and camouflage all existed in nature long before humanity ever devised it.
Design or Chance?
How did nature get it? By an unguided, unplanned, and haphazard process called “natural selection” or evolution? Well, let’s ask the question. What other achievements reached accomplishment by such a process without intelligent effort?
Firstly, has anyone’s career been built by pure chance and zero planning? No. Secondly, has any civilization arisen by mindless processes? No. Thirdly, have any of our labor-saving devices come about without the application of ingenuity, research, and development? No. And fourthly, has any building, any ship, any plane, any vehicle, or any rocket developed before our eyes apart from humanity’s deliberate and intelligent effort? Never.
Therefore, evolution has absolutely nothing to do with our physical and observable experience. True, we see loads of technology in nature, but everything in our human experience teaches us that only intelligence can create it. Why then, against all evidence, do we abandon human reason to allow the notion of evolution to exist?
For instance, contrary to all logic, we believe that an amoeba became a man. That’s a greater stretch than saying a frog became a prince. Yet, this insane idea finds safe harbor in the scientific community. In addition, it’s virtually worshiped for its magical ability to turn chaos into complexity which is far worse. The bottom line is this: evolution has never been anything more than a Mid-Victorian substitute for the Almighty and omniscient Creator. It only exists in the minds of those too cowardly to acknowledge and confront their Creator – to whom they own their very existence.
Intelligent Creation
The only evolution we can observe, works in the very opposite direction. Genetic mutations in complex life forms only create cancers and freaks that are less fit for survival. Time and natural processes only break things down. They also reduce complex machines to rusted and non-functional wrecks. Evolution creates nothing. It only reduces things to their simplest condition.
The ardent atheist, Isaac Asimov confessed that the human brain is the most complex arrangement of matter in the universe. Where then did this complexity originate? All human experience teaches us that complexity can only originate from intelligence. Therefore, there must be an intelligent Creator.
Don’t wait for death to give you a reality check. If you believe that some unguided process created the wonders of nature, then you’re out of touch with reality and you’re bound for a huge shock. Face the living God now. Receive His Son as your savior, lest you wait and face Him as your Judge.
Dear Father in heaven, here and now I acknowledge an inescapable reality. You are God and I am not. I owe my existence to You. Therefore, You have a significant claim on my life. I also acknowledge my sin of pride, of denying You, and of disobedience to Your commandments. Please forgive me and cleanse me through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Wash me in His blood and clothe me in His righteousness. Help me to live henceforth for You and make me fit for eternity in heaven, I pray. Amen.
(Information from: https://phys.org/news/2020-02-deaf-moths-evolved-noise-cancelling-scales.html)