And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)
Adversity is not the enemy of good. With the right perspective, it can be an ally.
There is a story about an eagle who complained to his fellow eagle: “If it weren’t for the air, I could fly faster!” Not! Without air, the eagle couldn’t leave the ground. Don’t we think like this sometimes? Our perspective is limited.
God’s is not. He allows us to experience trials that He knows will help us, not hurt us. In this verse, Paul tells the Christians in Rome that God doesn’t waste an experience. He works it all together for good. Note two points here:
• It doesn’t say everything is good. God works things together for good
• God does this for those who love Him and are trying to follow His purposes
Don’t dread stress and adversity. God can work it for your good.