ABoA recent paper published by the American Institute of Physics (January 14, 2020) discussed a new robotic technology that’s been developed in China.
Innovative Connection
This technology, created at the Southwest University of Science and Technology and Tsinghua University in China focuses on the “grasping ability” of robotic arms. It promises a far simpler and cheaper approach than the robotic graspers used today, which employ multiple finger-like appendages. Today’s multi-appendage graspers “consist of a large number of components, like joints and sensors, which are difficult to control” – not to mention more costly.
But the grasper these researchers developed can pick up a heavy steel rod one moment and then a delicate egg the next – without resetting any of the device’s parameters. How does it work? This new grasper uses a flexible O-ring beneath a synthetic thermo-plastic rubber skin.
The liquid-filled O-ring rolls inward to create a suction while the O-ring itself bends around the object. By this action, the grasper “can grab a variety of objects of different sizes, shapes, weights and materials.” This flexible grasper “has the potential to grasp fragile objects in narrow spaces or extreme, high-pressure environments, such as collecting samples of deep-sea organisms or conveying pipes.” Additionally, it can be built on the nanoscale – so as to move individual living cells.
Original Technology
Now comes the important question. Where did these Chinese scientists get this technology? They copied it. They got their ideas from living sea anemones. That’s right, they went to the greatest source of ideas – the Creator’s creation. They studied the donut-shaped grasping mechanism of sea anemones and copied it.
Now, this is not to suggest that sea anemones are by any means simple organisms. In fact, another paper published in 2019 revealed that the genome of sea anemones has incredible complexity. It’s so complex that it’s challenging evolutionists’ thinking on where these creatures fit into their theory.
The fact that scientists and engineers are increasingly turning to living organisms for new technological ideas demonstrates something very profound. Well-developed technologies already exist in nature. But how did they get there – if complex living things arose by purely mindless and unguided processes?
Divine Creation vs Evolution
We look at the magnificent stone structures in Machu Picchu and at the mighty pyramids in Giza, and scratch our heads, wondering, “How could such primitive peoples have built such impossible structures”? But compared to the problem we see in nature, it does not come close. The pyramids of Giza and the seamless walls of Machu Picchu at least have intelligent human beings behind their creation.
But the biosphere – with trillions of complex living things – presents an infinitely greater problem to solve. For these living creatures are millions of times more complex than the pyramids and the walls of Machu Picchu. How could mindless and unguided processes have created the well-developed technologies they contain?
This question, among many other demonstrable arguments, exposes the fallacy of evolution.
Intelligent Design
At no time in our collective human experience has anyone ever witnessed complexity arising from chaos. “Well, what about when a single fertilized egg develops into a complex creature? Isn’t that an example” Of course not! This process is not “unguided.” To begin with, both the egg and the sperm, that fertilize the complex creature, already are quite complex living things. Additionally, the entire process has guidance from the pre-programmed information and instructions packed away in the multiplying cell’s DNA. For instance, even at the single cell level there’s already a blueprint, parts list, and assembling instructions built into it.
There’s no way around it. Therefore, an infinite intelligence must exist. And the God of the Bible perfectly matches the Creator that our complex universe requires. Above all, Biblical Christianity possesses the most rational and reasonable answer to all of life’s questions and problems. “For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see His invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God” (Romans 1:20, NLT, italics added).
Dear Father in heaven, open my eyes that I may see the reality of Your existence and Your activity all around me. Amen.
–https://www.flickr.com/photos/soldiersmediacenter/10566879203/ (By U.S. Army, Licensed under CC by 2.0)
–https://www.flickr.com/photos/soldiersmediacenter/3458904323/(By U.S. Army, Licensed under CC by 2.0)
–https://www.flickr.com/photos/soldiersmediacenter/43916723760/ (By U.S. Army, Licensed under CC by 2.0)
–https://www.flickr.com/photos/usnavy/5410223385/ (By U.S. Navy (Official U.S. Navy Page), Licensed under US Govt Work)
(Information from: www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/01/200114123527.htm; https://phys.org/news/2019-04-simple-sea-anemones.html)