The United Press International published the story of a roadside disaster.
A truck driver, 28-year-old Christopher Walker was traveling southbound on Interstate 65, near Lowell, Indiana. Suddenly, his tractor-trailer hit the guardrail on the right side of the highway, then a concrete construction divider. His trailer broke loose, then split apart, spilling 42,000 pounds of large plastic rolls over the roadway. Initially, the mess completely blocked traffic. State troopers, however, were able to divert traffic, though it caused hours-long delays.
Christopher Walker was unharmed in the accident, though police were eager to find out what happened. Was he intoxicated? Did he blackout? Did he suffer a heart attack?
No. The burly truck driver rather sheepishly admitted that a simple, momentary distraction caused the catastrophe. A fly came into the widow and, while trying to swat it, he lost control of his vehicle.
Our Own Flies
This story hit home because the same thing almost happened to me. A few days ago, while driving my tiny Honda Fit, a bothersome fly kept landing on my arm. I tried to swat him. Then he ducked below and began landing on my ankle and calf. While in pursuit of the fly, I started drifting off the road. Fortunately, the little Honda had an alarm system in operation which alerted me to my error—my wife let out a gasp.
Isn’t it amazing how such little things can instigate such catastrophic events? This happens particularly often in our spiritual journey. While we begin our day with the intent to stay focused on the Lord, His blessings to us, and His promises, little things distract us. Someone frowns at us. We hear some disturbing news over the radio. Another driver cuts us off. And it’s as though someone flipped a switch in our brains. Our mind takes the negative thought and runs wild with it. Before we know it, we’ve envisioned all kinds of terrible things that put us in a dark mood for the rest of the day. We’ve allowed ourselves to be completely distracted.
The distraction might lead to a traffic accident. But more likely, we’ll snarl and claw at coworkers, friends, and family members throughout the day. Something which may have been quite innocent, leads us to spew our pain at and wound others.
Spiritual Warfare
Or, perhaps it’s not so innocent. Maybe the enemy of our souls is acquainted with our weaknesses and knows just the right distraction to throw at us.
The Scripture reminds us that we are engaged in a spiritual conflict. It tells us that we must make a sustained and conscious effort to resist the devil and his schemes (Eph. 6:10–18; 1 Peter 5:8–10). Therefore, we must arms ourselves with prayer, with faith and dependence upon God, and with God’s holy word—the Scriptures.
This is how Jesus defeated the devil in the wilderness (Matt. 4:1–11; Luke 4:1–13). Jesus used no shortcuts or innovations. He didn’t try to outsmart the devil. He simply depended upon His Father, prayed unceasingly, and consistently wielded the “sword of the Spirit,” the word of God (Eph. 6:17).
So begin your day with an awareness of your own vulnerability to distraction and temptation. Keep asking the Lord to keep you focused on Him and on the promises of His word. Seek Him for strength, wisdom, and love so you can fulfill God’s purpose for you this day. While we rely upon God to help and empower us, our day will be immensely more productive and pleasant.
Dear Father in heaven, please help me to begin this day with an awareness of my own weaknesses. Remind me and empower me to pray and seek You for help and strength. Keep me focused, O Lord, on You and on Your divine mission for me. Help me to feast upon Your word until its promises and precepts become part of my being. Amen.
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In article photo: 090807-M-4273B-002 by the U.S. Marines licensed under U.S. Govt. Work