Healed by the Light - The Warrior's Journey®

Healed by the Light

Author: David Causey, USA (Ret.)

Olympic Dreams. Photo by US Air Force is licensed under CC By 2.0

Curing cancer with light?

Actually, killing cancer with light is a better description of a breakthrough treatment developed at the University of Warwick in Coventry, England.

How does it work? Well, it involves a process called photodynamic therapy (PDT). PDT uses light to activate a photosensitizer (a chemical compound). This compound produces a toxin within a cancer cell or microbial form of life (fungi, bacterium, or virus). Doctors use PDT today to treat a number of health problems, cancer being one of them.

The treatment developed by scientists at Warwick involves the “coating” of a blood protein (albumin) with iridium (a rare metal in the platinum group). The iridium-laced protein is absorbed by the cancer cell into its nucleus. The iridium acts as a photosensitizer. When blue light is shone upon the cancer cell, it triggers the iridium to produce a toxic form of oxygen within the cell. This kills the cancer cell without hurting nearby healthy cells.

Though in the early stages of development, the researchers see this as a far superior treatment over chemotherapy.


This treatment to kill cancer cells bears a striking resemblance to the way God uses the seed of His word to kill the diseases of our soul. When the Bible is preached to us—or is read by us, it becomes planted in our hearts. Yet the implanted word may seem to remain dormant within us, not immediately enlightening our souls. Years may go by before the light of God’s Holy Spirit shines upon our hearts, enlightens our understanding and activates His word within us.

Jesus once described this process in the life of a scribe (a Jewish biblical scholar) who becomes a disciple of the kingdom of God (Matt. 13:52). First, he believes and the Holy Spirit becomes active in his life. Then, all those scriptures—that he’s stored away in his heart for so long—suddenly burst forth with a new vitality and meaning. In the same way, after His resurrection, Jesus opened the disciples’ minds to the scriptures. These same minds had previously proven to be dull (Luke 24:45).

Our Teacher

As Jesus promised, the Holy Spirit becomes our teacher who leads us into all truth (John 16:13–14). Like dormant seed that suddenly springs to life when watered and bathed in sunlight, so the word of God becomes active in our lives when the water and light of the Holy Spirit shines upon our hearts. Initially, we are born again through the word of God (1 Pet. 1:23). And as we continue to read and meditate upon scripture, the Holy Spirit continues to speak through it and enlighten our hearts. This activated word kills our doubts, fears, and demonic deceptions. It revives, strengthens, and heals us over and over (Ps. 107:20; 119:25, 28, 37, 50, 107, 116; 149, 156, 159).

We need the word of God implanted in our hearts. We need the Holy Spirit to shower us and shed light upon us. Therefore, feed upon God’s holy word. Pray for the Holy Spirit to enlighten you. With the Holy Spirit as our teacher, the word of God will kill our soul’s diseases and restore sanity and life to our hearts.


O Spirit of God, please come and shine Your divine light upon my soul. Speak through the scripture that I’ve hid and planted in my heart. Glorify Jesus Christ to my heart and bring His word to my remembrance. By Your holy word, destroy every sickness of my heart and renew me day by day. Amen.

Information from: “Simply shining light on 'dinosaur metal' compound kills cancer cells,” www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/02/190204085956.htm

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