There are Many Good People Among Us - The Warrior's Journey®

There are Many Good People Among Us

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There are Many Good People Among Us

People who work at Goodwill stores are probably not among the “movers and shakers” of America. They won’t someday be a CEO of a Fortune 500 company. They’re not even likely to climb the corporate ladder of Goodwill Industries. No, your average Goodwill employee is among the nation’s struggling classes. But they are doing honest, though unskilled work for the minimum wage to feed their family and pay the bills.  

Andrea Lessing was one such person. She recently got a job at the Goodwill store in Norman, Oklahoma so she could take care of herself and her young daughter. Then, on March 26, 2021, while sorting some newly donated merchandise, Andrea came across two sweaters tied up together. As she examined the bundle, she first believed they were wrapped around some books. But as she unwrapped them, the “books” turned out to be stacks of $100 bills – 420 of them. Someone had mistakenly donated $42,000. 

Did Andrea view this discovery as a long awaited “pay off,” a bit of good fortune to one of life’s “have nots”? No.  

But didn’t she think of how that money might benefit her and her daughter? I’m sure she did. It was more money than she’d ever seen before.  

But when she thought of her little girl, she asked herself, “How can I face my daughter if I steal this money?”  She realized there are far better things than dishonest gain that a mother can leave to her child. Of greater importance than money is love and a good example of how to live. Andrea chose to do the right thing – return the money to its rightful owner. 

Andrea Lessing turned the money over to her supervisors. Using documentation assigned to the donation, the supervisors contacted the donor and returned the $42,000. Fortunately for Andrea, the donor gave her a $1,000 reward for her honesty. A regional manager for Goodwill Industries presented the reward to her and thanked her for her honesty. 

Be encouraged. There are still many good, caring, and honest people out there who are ruled by their conscience rather than their appetites and greed. May God bless them and increase their numbers. They are the very best thing about America. 


PRAYER:  Dear Father in heaven, bless this honest woman and her young daughter. Meet and supply this family’s needs and protect them from all danger and harm. Help us all to be ruled by love for You and love for others. As You commanded us, Lord, may we treat others – with love, respect, and kindness – as we wish to be treated. Amen. 


(Information from:

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