Did you hear about the huge 12-acre corn maze near Frederick, MD?
Summers Farm owners, Teresa and Jeff Greenwood created the 522,720 square foot (722-feet by 721-feet) labyrinth which takes more than two hours to negotiate. Sadly, corn mazes only last a matter of weeks, since the corn must be harvested. So by the time this particular maze made the headlines the Greenwoods were about to cut it down.
Now there may have been bigger corn mazes somewhere in the world. But this one made the news because it featured an enormous portrait of Country-Western/Pop singer-songwriter Taylor Swift. Now, if you traveled to the Greenwood’s farm to “play the maze,” you’d have no idea you were wandering through a giant portrait of Taylor Swift. Why? It’s simply too big. You’d only see paths through masses of cornstalks. You wouldn’t be able to “see the forest for the trees.” The only way to make sense of the confusing maze would be to fly high above it—at least 1,000 feet above it. Then, from a great height and distance, you could understand what those twists and turns were all about.
I can’t help comparing this giant portrait-maze to the confusing twists and turns of our own lives. In the middle of our conflicts and trials, it’s impossible to understand their purpose and meaning. We truly have to walk by faith in God’s wisdom and sovereignty, rather than by sight. It’s in our nature to constantly try to make sense out of the confusing detours and roadblocks that confront us. But, while we wander through life’s labyrinth, that meaning eludes us. We have to trust that God knows exactly what He’s doing.
Paul the apostle explained that in this life our knowledge is only partial, fragmentary, and full of gaps. But when we reach heaven—and view this life from a greater height and distance—we will fully know and understand, just as much as God fully knows and understands us (1 Cor. 13:12). So trust God with your life. Let Him call the shots. Even in your darkest and most painful moments, you’ll have that growing suspicion that God is working all things together for your ultimate good and His own ultimate glory (Rom. 8:28).
Dear Father in heaven, to You I commit my life and all its problems. Please take my hand and guide me. As the Scripture says, help me to “trust in the LORD with all my heart and to lean not on my own understanding; but in all my ways acknowledge You, and You will direct my paths.” Amen.
Information from: http://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2015/09/17/Taylor-Swifts-face-etched-in-12-acre-corn-maze/2281442496967/
In article photo: Taylor Swift DARE TO BE DIFFERENT Corn Maze at Summers Farm in Frederick, MD.
Credit: Summers Farm
via Kelly Edwards and Rolling Stone