Twenty-two years ago a man in Poland, Janusz Goraj, suffered such acute allergic reactions that they damaged the retinas in his eyes. He became totally blind in his left eye and could barely detect light and contours with his right. He remained almost totally blind for the next two decades and had to use a cane to find his way around.
The Unexpected
Then, in 2018, something terrible happened. While making his way through a crosswalk on the streets of Gorzow Wielkopolski, Janusz was struck by a car. The impact knocked him up over the hood (where he hit his head), then threw him to the pavement (where he again hit his head). The crash also broke his hip and kept him in the hospital for two weeks.
Then, one day near the end of his hospital stay, something amazing happened. Janusz opened his eyes and could see. At first things were a bit blurry. But in a few days his sight was completely restored. He was able to work again and has a job at the same hospital where he recovered his sight. The car crash turned his life around for the good.
Of course, his miraculous recovery has baffled the doctors. They suspect that the strong anticoagulant drugs they administered might have restored his sight and wanted him to submit to further tests. But Janusz was afraid to tamper with what he believed was a divine intervention. So he refused any more treatment, simply wanting to enjoy his life-changing sight.
So which was it that restored Janusz’ sight, the car crash or the medical care? Of course the doctors voted on the side of medicine. After all, it’s their area of expertise. Can you imagine a doctor prescribing a car crash to cure a blind person? Probably not.
Growing Pains
But God prescribes many curious cures for us. And most of God’s cures and “growth pills” may appear scary to us. To us they are nothing but mishaps, disappointments, failures, and even tragedies. Maybe it’s being passed over for a promotion. Or, maybe it’s an unexpected deployment. Maybe it’s something far worse. But if we are a disciple of Jesus then God is in charge of our lives – and nothing comes into them except what God permits. And He only allows that which causes our faith in Christ to grow and what conforms us into His image. Therefore, we are instructed to, “Count it all joy when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces perseverance…” (James 1:2-3). For the very same reason Paul the apostle writes that we can “boast” in our tribulation. For it produces in us perseverance, proven character, and hope (Romans 5:3-5).
I know that some of the “car crashes” God sends may emotionally and spiritually “hospitalize” us. They hurt us so badly that we cannot see anything redeemable in them. They may leave us rattled and broken. Sometimes weeks, months, or even years may pass before we begin to see how God has worked things together for our eternal good (Romans 8:28-29). Indeed, not until we stand before Christ – blameless, glorified, and conformed to His image – will we fully understand God’s strategy to save us and make us fit for heaven (1 Corinthians 13:12).
But until that time comes we will walk by faith (2 Corinthians 5:7), trusting that God knows exactly what He is doing – and that He does all things in love.
O dear Father in heaven, I cannot begin to understand the purpose of my darkest moments. They seem far too painful and tragic to have any redeeming quality. But out of my pain and confusion I hold onto Your promises and trust in Your love, goodness, and wisdom. I believe You will one day dry my every tear and cause me to confess that You have done all things well. Through Jesus Christ, Your Holy Son, Amen.
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