I don’t think the Army uses the two and a half-ton-truck, a.k.a. “the Deuce-and-a-Half,” anymore, but maybe it is for the best.
Life’s Rocky Ride
It was, at one time, a strong, sturdy transport. But, for the poor passengers condemned to ride on its flatbed, life could be hellish, especially when traveling cross country, i.e., “off road.”
My first experience riding on the back of a deuce-and-a-half was during a field training exercise at Camp Wainright, in Alberta, Canada. I hopped in the back of the deuce-and-a-half and thought, “this will be fun.” But as the truck hurdled across the cratered landscape, I was bounced up and down like a paddleball. I clung as close as I could to the cab, where the ride was less rocky. Yet there was no way of avoiding the agitation altogether. I had to wait it out, hold on, stay as close to the driver as possible, and console myself that riding was better than walking the twenty-plus miles.
Life for me tends to be like that bumpy ride. Often, the same actions I performed to endure the voyage on the back of a deuce-and-a-half, I have had to practice on life’s rocky ride. Its best in these times to cling as close to the driver as possible, hold on, and realize that riding is better than walking – i.e., living is better than dying.
Let Go Of Control
Even I have sought tranquility and a life of predictability – earnestly. I have pursued more sedate circumstances that make reflection and creative thinking easier.
I’ve seen TV commercials about trucks that offer smoother rides than my “deuce-and-a-half.” But I am in the Army, and Army life teaches you to adapt to the rough parts of life. Therefore I refuse to stew over my frustrated quest to get control over life’s circumstances. I’m going to leave the driving to the Driver – the Lord – and work as best as I can through the bumps and remember that the journey will not last forever.
Paul the apostle wrote, “No temptation has come upon you, except that which is common to everyone. And God is faithful, and He will not allow you to be tested beyond the breaking point but will provide a way of escape along with the temptation so you can endure it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13)
Dear Father in heaven, life’s journey has been a rocky one. But remind me, O Lord, that it would have been far worse and fatal without You in my life. Help me to cling closer to You, enjoy the ride, and remember that the journey will not last forever. Amen.
The content of this article comes from “The Warrior’s Bible” (2014) and is copyrighted by Life Publishers International. Used with permission.