The United Press International reported the story of an unusual event on a Singapore expressway. A couple was driving along and suddenly a motorcycle whizzed around them. Now, anyone who’s driven in an Asian city knows that’s the most common sight in urban areas. Motorcycles and scooters are everywhere and they always speed around and between moving cars.
But this motorcycle was different. For once it flew past the couple, it drove wildly. It weaved back and forth across the lane in front of their car. Then it wobbled, drove off to the left, and rode off the road entirely.
The couple, however, didn’t take note so much about the motorcycle’s crazy antics. What amazed them most was that the driver was missing. Yes. The Motorcycle behaved so badly because no one was steering it. Its driver had fallen off a few moments earlier, leaving the motorcycle to fly along on its own at a fairly high rate of speed.
Some things were never meant to function alone. That’s true of most machinery. Ships need someone at the helm. Even spacecraft require instructions, some from billions of miles away.
It’s also true of many animals. They are meant to be nurtured and guided along. Sheep come to mind. Sheep need a shepherd. So do people.
Those whom He created for Himself, need to be loved and led through life by Christ. They need Jesus as their Shepherd.
Who or what is driving you? Is pain driving you? Is anger and hatred pushing you along? Even worse, is your pain steering you? Your choices in life – do they stem from a careful plan or from mere impulse? Do we stumble through life from one bad decision to another, from one broken relationship to another? How many acts of violence must we see before we understand the tragedy of a pain-driven life?
If only pain propels you, then your life will fare no better than that careening motorcycle. Oh, there’s plenty of fuel and fire inside your engine. But there’s no wisdom, peace, or love to steer you onto a prosperous course. God, and all the love He brings, is missing. You’re bound to crash without Him.
Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light” (Matthew 11:28-30).
Dear Lord Jesus, my life is spinning out of control. All that’s left to motivate me is bitterness, anger, and hatred. Please, heal my wounded soul. Fill me with Your love. Forgive and cleanse me of all hurtful things I’ve done. Let me find peace, healing, and rest in Your embrace and make me an instrument of Your love to others. Amen.
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