The Acorn Woodpecker makes its home from the oak forests of California all the way south to Columbia. It is known for its white wings, black body, and bright red crown. It is also known, as its name suggests, for its fondness for acorns. But above all, the Acorn Woodpecker is especially known for the extensive and peculiar “acorn granaries” it creates to store the food it loves so much. In dead trees, in telephone poles, in fence posts, and sometimes in houses, this woodpecker drills hundreds of individual holes to store its acorns. That’s right, one hole for one acorn, each one snuggly fit. In large holes it places large acorns. In smaller holes it places smaller acorns. And through the winter, as the acorns dry and shrink, the woodpecker moves each acorn to a more accommodating hole. Naturally, the Acorn Woodpecker is not the only one that benefits from this phenomenal storekeeping. Through the harsh winter months numerous birds, squirrels, and other animals survive off its vast food supply.
This woodpecker’s ability to put thousands of individual acorns in their proper and appropriate places – where each one fits best – reminds me of God’s faithfulness in creating little niches for us in His Kingdom where He wishes to fit us that we may be a blessing to others. And as there are no “standard size holes” for the acorns, so there are no standardized places of ministry and service for each of his children. In God’s particular niche for each of His children, God draws upon and uses those specific gifts and talents He has given us that we may bless and nurture others.
You know, not only has God created places of individual service in His Kingdom for each of us. I have a growing conviction that God has prepared for each of us that special place in His own heart – a place where God wishes to meet and commune with us on our own level and in our own language. And, as God wants every place at his table and every room in his house filled (Luke 14:23), so there are places in His own heart that He yearns for each of us to fill.
I even believe that God suffers a profound sense of loss if our pursuits after other gods and goals cause us to leave those places in the heart of God empty. By making us the object of His affection, God has made a place in His heart for each of us. How tragic it would be to spend all our days ignoring the God who loves us, pines after us, who enjoys our company, and yearns for our fellowship.
“This is eternal life,” said Jesus, “that they (all believers) may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent” (John 17:3). This is what we were created for – to love and to be loved by God.
PRAYER: Dear Father in Heaven, help me to find that special place in Your Kingdom in which I may be a blessing to others and nurture and feed Your children. Above all, O Lord, help me to draw nearer to You, that I may occupy that special place in Your heart that you have made for me. Dear Father, don’t let me ignore Your love or keep You waiting in line behind every other activity of the day. Teach me to commune with You throughout the day, every day. Amen.