Don’t Give the Devil a Foothold - The Warrior's Journey®

Don’t Give the Devil a Foothold

Author: Chaplain, COL Scott McChrystal, USA (Ret.)

Virginia Guard chaplain support teams support military personnel in Louisianna. Photo by Coast Guard is licensed under CC By 2.0

“In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.  (Ephesians 4:26,27)

A popular notion today is that we have the right to speak out about anything, anytime, anywhere, and to anyone. This especially applies to anger. It’s “no holds barred.” In fact, television networks abound with programs where people display anger with reckless abandon.

God looks at anger differently. Granted, anger is a God-given emotion. We all experience it. Numerous references in Scripture talk about God’s righteous anger. Even Jesus got angry, especially at hypocritical, self-righteous religious leaders. But for the most part, man’s anger needs to be kept in check.

These verses don’t tell us not to be angry. Rather, they warn us not to permit our anger to lead to sin. Why? At the practical level, little good ever comes from such anger. But there is another reason. Anger that leads to sin gives our enemy a foothold. He can use our anger to serve his many evil purposes, one of which is to tarnish our Christian witness.

Play it smart. Don’t give the devil a foothold.

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