“He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord.” (Acts 11:24, NIV)
This verse describes a man named Barnabas who lived during the early days of the Christian Church. Although he was a man with leadership skills and multiple talents, he seems to be best remembered for being a good man who consistently put the needs of others ahead of his own. Barnabas was truly a good person, not only because he brought many people to faith in Christ, but also because he was always enabling others to reach their full potential.
In the rat race of military life, isn’t it refreshing to see good leaders who, like Barnabas, enable others to succeed? The U. S. Marine Corps isn’t alone in its search for a few good men. God continues to search for men and women who will serve Him faithfully and draw others to faith in Him.
If you have yet to commit yourself to Him, He is certainly wanting to recruit you for His team.