Trash Talk - The Warrior's Journey®

Virginia Guard chaplain support teams support military personnel in Louisiana. Photo by Coast Guard is licensed under CC By 2.0

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. (Ephesians 4:29)

Military leaders at all levels spend huge amounts of time communicating with other people. If this is true and you are a leader, doesn’t it make sense to develop your communications skills to a high degree?

This Scripture sets forth a powerful mandate toward better communication, but certainly one easier said than done. Take a close look at the verse again and think about what it’s saying. No unwholesome talk. Use words to build others up. Benefit others by what we say.

Doesn’t the bottom line tell us to omit trashy, destructive kinds of speech and start using language that will meet the needs of others by building them up? You ask, “Can this really work in the military?” Of course, it can. You can communicate any message required and be as hard as woodpecker lips without using profanity or tearing a fellow soldier down. But you’ll never know for yourself until you try it.

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